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基于SuperMap的战区油料保障系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对SuperMap与战区油料保障的结合,研究了基于SuperMap的战区油料保障系统,充分利用信息时代的成果提高油料保障的效能。分析了建立基于GIS的战区油料保障系统的必要性,全面构建了基于SuperMap的战区油料保障任务的数学模型,提出了未来信息化油料保障的可能途径,系统的设计并实现了基于SuperMap的战区油料保障系统,从而达到优化油料保障环节,缩短油料保障时间,提高油料保障透明度的目标。  相似文献   
基于最优未知输入观测器的BIT降虚警技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对基于模型的机电控制系统BIT中的虚警问题,分析了系统中的信息不确定性和产生虚警的机理,基于最优未知输入观测器方法设计了BIT故障检测诊断系统,该系统对信息不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性,能够充分地抑制虚警。在某机电跟踪与稳定伺服平台BIT系统上进行了试验研究,结果表明机理分析正确,所提方法有效。  相似文献   
在少数民族地区有效开展德育工作,既要弘扬社会主义主旋律,又要照顾到少数民族大学生的特殊民族文化背景。新疆少数民族优秀传统文化是中华民族的共有精神财富,蕴含广博的德育资源。“微德育”是“微时代”背景下高校进行德育工作的创新手段,将新疆少数民族优秀传统文化融入南疆高校“微德育”,对于推进新疆少数民族优秀传统文化现代化、强化德育的实效性和促进民族团结、维护祖国统一有着重要的实践意义。  相似文献   
高效的仿真技术对研究提高军事通信的性能具有重要意义。针对传统的蒙特卡罗仿真时间长的问题,提出了基于重要性采样的空时分组码高效仿真方法,给出了仿真模型和实现流程。仿真和分析结果表明本方法在运行较少的时间内能够获得较好的误码性能。采用该高效仿真方法可以加快军事通信技术研究的进程。  相似文献   
系统阐述了攻击机靶场攻击、靶场效能以及靶场效能优化等基本概念,在此基础上,分析了攻击机靶场效能优化的基本任务和基本问题,并给出了形式化描述。  相似文献   
合理的蠕虫传播模型可以准确地描述蠕虫类恶意代码在网络中的传播行为,有助于在开展蠕虫防护、检测和抑制技术的研究时更深入地分析蠕虫的传播机制。通过引入和分析蠕虫的感染时间这个在经典的传染病模型研究中被忽略的重要因素,使用确定性建模分析方法推导得出SSI蠕虫传播模型,合理地反映网络中的脆弱性主机在蠕虫传播时可能的状态转换。模拟仿真表明,SSI模型可以相对准确地描述蠕虫类恶意代码在网络中的传播过程。  相似文献   
This paper considers a two-agent scheduling problem with linear resource-dependent processing times, in which each agent has a set of jobs that compete with that of the other agent for the use of a common processing machine, and each agent aims to minimize the weighted number of its tardy jobs. To meet the due date requirements of the jobs of the two agents, additional amounts of a common resource, which may be in discrete or continuous quantities, can be allocated to the processing of the jobs to compress their processing durations. The actual processing time of a job is a linear function of the amount of the resource allocated to it. The objective is to determine the optimal job sequence and resource allocation strategy so as to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs of one agent, while keeping the weighted number of tardy jobs of the other agent, and the total resource consumption cost within their respective predetermined limits. It is shown that the problem is -hard in the ordinary sense, and there does not exist a polynomial-time approximation algorithm with performance ratio unless ; however it admits a relaxed fully polynomial time approximation scheme. A proximal bundle algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation is also presented to solve the problem approximately. To speed up convergence and produce sharp bounds, enhancement strategies including the design of a Tabu search algorithm and integration of a Lagrangian recovery heuristic into the algorithm are devised. Extensive numerical studies are conducted to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   
The accelerated degradation test (ADT) is an efficient tool for assessing the lifetime information of highly reliable products. However, conducting an ADT is very expensive. Therefore, how to conduct a cost-constrained ADT plan is a great challenging issue for reliability analysts. By taking the experimental cost into consideration, this paper proposes a semi-analytical procedure to determine the total sample size, testing stress levels, the measurement frequencies, and the number of measurements (within a degradation path) globally under a class of exponential dispersion degradation models. The proposed method is also extended to determine the global planning of a three-level compromise plan. The advantage of the proposed method not only provides better design insights for conducting an ADT plan, but also provides an efficient algorithm to obtain a cost-constrained ADT plan, compared with conventional optimal plans by grid search algorithms.  相似文献   
在《治安管理学》教学中加强实践教学,是由其学科特点与授课对象特点决定的,也是为了提高学员第一任职能力与实现教学相长的需要。应通过课堂实践教学、校内实践模拟教学与校外实践基地相结合的方式,加强实践教学在《治安管理学》教学中的具体应用,对于实现《治安管理学》教学目标与我院人才培养目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   
隐性逃课是指学生上课时消极参与课堂教学的精神旷课行为,多被认为是越轨行为的一种表现。从社会学视角切入,对大学生隐性逃课问题进行分析,发现将隐性逃课视作越轨行为实际上是学术研究和教学实践过程中简单定性的结果,是对隐性逃课性质的片面反映。这种越轨定性导致了对隐性逃课功能认识、原因分析和应对路径设计的偏离。大学生隐性逃课具有社会根源,是多元社会与高校统一管理之间的张力以及大学无用论和信任危机的产物。在越轨属性之外,大学生隐性逃课还是一种去学校化的反抗和师生之间的默契妥协。因此,对于大学生隐性逃课,应将其置放在社会背景中加以思考,引发人们对社会根源和社会规则本身的关注。  相似文献   
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